Thursday, September 23, 2010

Future Computer

We all know that the today's our computers operate using transistors, wires and electricity. But do you know how will run the future computers? The answer is they might use atoms, fibers and light. But let us assume that you are not still bitter from a recent laptop replacement. You might stop to consider what the world might be like, if computers the size of molecules become a reality. These are the types of computers that could be everywhere, but never seen. Nano sized bio-computers that could target specific areas inside your body. Giant networks of computers, in your clothing, your house, your car and others are charters of future computers. Entrenched in almost every aspect of our lives and yet you may never give them a single thought.

The understanding the theories behind these future computer technologies is not for the meek. If you have the heart, take gander at the most promising new computer technologies. If not, dare to imagine the ways that billions of tiny, powerful computers will change our society.

Quantum Computers:- A quantum computer is a computer that makes direct use of distinctively quantum mechanical phenomena to perform operations on data.

In a classical (or conventional) computer, the amount of data is measured by bits; in a quantum computer, the data is measured by qubits.

The Bloch sphere is a representation of a qubit, the fundamental building block of quantum computers.

Source: Wikipedia

The basic principle of quantum computation is that the quantum properties of particles can be used to represent and structure data, and that quantum mechanisms can be devised and built to perform operations with these data.

Optical Computers:- The computers we use today use transistors and semiconductors to control electricity. Computers of the future may utilize crystals and metamaterials to control light. Optical computers make use of light particles called photons.

Image source: Wikimedia

NASA scientists are working to solve the need for computer speed using light. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. That's 982,080,000 feet per second -- or 11,784,960,000 inches. In a billionth of a second, one nanosecond, photons of light travel just a bit less than a foot, not considering resistance in air or of an optical fiber strand or thin film. Just right for doing things very quickly in microminiaturized computer chips.

"Entirely optical computers are still some time in the future," says Dr. Frazier, "but electro-optical hybrids have been possible since 1978, when it was learned that photons can respond to electrons through media such as lithium niobate. Newer advances have produced a variety of thin films and optical fibers that make optical interconnections and devices practical. We are focusing on thin films made of organic molecules, which are more light sensitive than inorganics.

Organics can perform functions such as switching, signal processing and frequency doubling using less power than inorganics. Inorganics such as silicon used with organic materials let us use both photons and electrons in current hybrid systems, which will eventually lead to all-optical computer systems."

DNA Computers:- DNA computers use DNA to store information and perform complex calculations. DNA has a vast amount of storage capacity computers might tap the vast storage capacity that enables DNA to hold the complex blueprints of living organisms. The storage capacity of a single gram of DNA can hold as much information as one trillion compact discs.

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